Shadow Files Collective

The Shadow Files Collective Ep 1 - America Betrayed

Season 1 Episode 1

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In this episode, Mike and Joe discuss UN Action Item 54, and its effects for the United States.

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Speaker 2:

Welcome to the Shadow ViroBlock the antiviral, antibacterial, antiprotozoal, anti-mold and anti-algae Based on lauric acid and other natural components. Viroblock is a non-toxic and non-volatile organic compound approved by the FDA. Viral Block is so unique the FDA is creating a category of the product alone. Viral Block can kill all viruses proactively instead of reactively, and can stay in surfaces for a week, clothing for up to 30 days, carpets up to a year and hands until washed, killing bacteria and germs. Viral Block keeps working as time progresses and never stops killing viruses and bacteria. Buy ViroBlock only at One Clean World.

Speaker 3:

Welcome to the Shadowfile Collective. I am Joe, and with me is Mike. Mike is a student of the underdealings of our government and everything that we don't see or hear about. So we have a great topic for our first show, one that made the hair on the back of my neck raise after he told me the topic I will fest to the audience. I didn't get a chance to read much of it, but as we go through and our host, mike, runs us through the information that he has for us, I will ask questions and we'll see where he takes us on this adventure through the secret door. Mike, take it away.

Speaker 4:

Hello Joe, thank you for having me on your show today. The topic we're going to be talking about is our wonderful UN. Our government supports the UN to the amount of $20 billion a year. We make up one-third of the budget of the UN. It's supposed to be a collective of other countries, which it is, but we mostly fund it.

Speaker 4:

Some interesting things happened here, about roughly around a little over 30 days ago of state and of countries, and presidents and kings and queens and dictators were present for a very momentous meeting at the UN where they all agreed to give UN power in the event of an emergency, and this power is complete autonomous power making the Secretary of the UN basically the dictator of the world. Antonio Barcas I'm not quite sure how to say his last name this in the event of any emergency that they feel, whether it be a plandemic or rioting or any kind of emergency, they've given the UN permission to come into their countries and have the right to be full dictator and do martial law on that country. And unfortunately, brandon which we can't use his real name because it puts us on a list, our lovely Brandon, signed this and they managed to coerce at least a percentage of Democrat and Republican senators to sign it as well. What's interesting about this is about 26 governors refused to have anything to do with it. Most of them are Republican, some of them are what you might consider to be rhinos, but they still they refuse to have anything to do with it. Whether that's big talk or not we'll see, but basically, this is a global takeover of the United States. Make no doubt about it. Whatever they deem to be an emergency, they come in and they take over city, county, state, federal. They have full control over everything in your country To do whatever they feel necessary. So this is a really scary thing and it's something that they did.

Speaker 4:

Anything that is a treaty. A treaty is something that is signed with other countries okay, or other individuals, and any treaties that our country enters into, it has to go through both the Senate and the Congress, and they managed to slip it past the Senate because the Senate would not sign off on it. And when the Senate got word of what was happening, they held a press conference and basically said it'll never make it through the Senate. So they went around the Senate and they named it something other than a treaty, like a pact or an accord, to avoid the legal term treaty. But in all intents and purposes, if you go to the UN site, you pull this up and you look up action item 54.

Speaker 4:

You'll see exactly what we're talking about. It breaks it down and it tells you what all they had the right to do when they come in and take over your country, your town or your state. They have the right to shoot military, they have the right to shoot police and they have the right to shoot you. So, as a citizen, they take away all of your rights With this act. So they call it the pact for the future. Action 54 is what you're looking for. They call it turbocharging the UN. Now they're doing this under the World Health Organization in kind of a backhanded way, which indicates to me that they may be planning another, like a bird flu or another pandemic, to give them reason to come into the United States.

Speaker 3:

Now, mike, I'm going to stop you for a second because I think it will be prominent. And again, ladies and gentlemen, mike is a guy who goes down the rabbit hole and a conversation with him I will guarantee you will have you question the day that you were born. But I would like, before you continue down the topic that you're elaborating on, I would like for you to elaborate a little bit about the World Health Organization.

Speaker 4:

It is my understanding that it's become a front for China, as we saw during the last pandemic that we lived through, and they're going to use this next pandemic to push the NMRA shots. The World Health Organization is going to force everybody to take those body and mind and DNA altering shots, and I don't think they're going to give you any choice. So, whereas they put a lot of social pressure on during the last pandemic we did, I don't think there's going to be a whole lot of choice if the UN comes in and takes over. So the best thing that we can do as citizens, the first thing that you need to do is you need to share this video out, or don't even share the video. Go to the UN and start sending out what the UN says about this, if you have to, if you have to.

Speaker 4:

But the next thing that you need to do is you need to call your governors and insist on them passing legislation that makes this illegal, that permits the federal government or the UN from coming into your state and taking control.

Speaker 4:

Then the next thing that you need to do is you need to call your senators and you need to call your congressmen and you need to ask them if they voted for this and insist that they do something, because, when it all comes down to it, it's social pressure that's going to make the difference. If we don't do this, then they're going to assume that we're okay with it and they're going to continue on with their plans and all they're doing is just digging this hole deeper and deeper and deeper for us, before it's too late and you look up one day and you say, wow, this is a pretty deep hole. How do we get out of it? Everybody has to stand together up one day and you say, wow, this is a pretty deep hole. How do we get out of it? Everybody has to stand together. We have to be united in looking out for each other and doing what's best for us and our future.

Speaker 1:

You are listening to the Shadow Files Collective, where the hidden truth matters.

Speaker 2:

This show is brought to you by ViroBlock, the antiviral, antibacterial, antiprotozoal, anti-mold and anti-algae Based on lauric acid and other natural components. Viroblock is a non-toxic and non-volatile organic compound approved by the FDA. Viroblock is so unique the FDA is creating a category of the product alone. Viroblock can kill all viruses proactively instead of reactively, and can stay in surfaces for a week, clothing for up to 30 days, carpets up to a year and hands until washed, killing bacteria and germs. Viroblock keeps working as time progresses and never stops killing viruses and bacteria. Buy ViroBlock only at One Clean World.

Speaker 1:

And now block only at one clean world.

Speaker 3:

And now back to the shadow file collector and we are back from the break. We are talking with my partner in crime, that man who goes behind the hidden door, mike, and he, uh. To summarize what mike has been presenting uh, we're talking about how the? Um, the united states, has basically sold itself out to to the un, um and uh, as we, as we're on break, mike, I was kind of thinking of a of a question question that I would like for you to explore. How did we get here? How has the United States been willing to give so much power to the UN, an entity that historically can't get anything accomplished without the United States and literally has no backbone if the United States is not there to back it up? So I'm going to sit here quietly in the background and learn a little bit more and let the man that knows the secrets talk some more.

Speaker 4:

Well, the UN was established quite a while ago, but I think the deep state plays the long game. And in playing the long game, you're right, the UN has nothing without the United States. The UN was started here in the United States. The UN meets here in the United States and I think, in New York City, if I remember right. Yeah, in New York, in New York, yeah, and it's not capable of doing anything without the United States, which is why Brandon's signing over our country to the UN, and everybody else signed their country over also. Every one of the other countries in the world agreed to this pact, but the most important country in this pact is the United States, because it gives the UN the full power of the United States government and the full power of the United States military, which gives the UN supreme teeth. They now have a one-world organization, which is what they've been after.

Speaker 4:

They've just gone about it in nefarious ways. They have to do these things behind your back, because if they came out and told you what they were doing, people would say no, so they've learned that you're complacent and you don't really do anything about it. If they do it behind your back, you'll just say well, you know what can I do? Well, I'm telling you what you can do. You can speak up, you can say something about it, you can talk to all of your friends and you can get everybody involved. If you don't do that, then we won't have a country much longer.

Speaker 4:

So the deep state has plans for us. These are not plans that you voted on. These are not plans that give you rights or make your life better, make sure that you're healthier. Anything has gone the way that you've been told the American dream should go. They're going to usurp all of your rights. They're going to kill and destroy and they're going to take what they want to take, and there's nothing that you can do about it at some point. So, before it reaches that point, I don't think that we should get violent or we should, you know, harm anybody or anything. I think it's just best if we all join together and say enough's enough and put a stop to this. I think that these plans are being made before the election for a reason. I think that these plans are being made before the election for a reason. I think that they're expecting the results of the election to not be favorable to the people, and I think there's going to be some problems as a result of that.

Speaker 3:

And I think they're going to capitalize on that. You say something that I find interesting. You talk about the election and President Trump in the past has taken the United States out of the UN. Now, if he wins and he decides to take us out of the UN, that invalidates this accord, or they have made it bulletproof where the United States can't get out of it.

Speaker 4:

Well, I think that's the best thing that could happen to us If Trump was to remove us from the world. Well, technically, what he did one of the first things he did when he got in office the first time is he removed us from the World Health Organization, and then he even went a little further and basically told the UN that we weren't going to be involved unless all these other countries that owned millions and millions of dollars in dues paid up. But I don't think he's necessarily in favor of us even being in the UN to start with. I think he's more of an isolationist. As far as that's concerned, I don't think he subscribes to the one world government.

Speaker 3:

Explain what you mean by that the the one world government? Um, because this, this takes us down the globalist uh mentality and and theories right.

Speaker 4:

Well, I mean, the idea is, um they they sell it as a beautiful picture that we're, we're all one world of human beings, regardless of race and color and religion and belief system, that we're all the same and that we should all be governed the same and we should have the same rights, and, um, we should live our lives in a certain way.

Speaker 4:

Well, that all sounds good, but our idea of living our lives is a different way than their idea of living our lives. Their idea, the Deep State's idea, or the One World Organization idea of us living our lives, is that we're subjugated to them and we do what they tell us to do, and they have control over us. The control that they currently have over us isn't enough. They want all of it. So it's something that if, if you don't speak up over it at some point, it's too late to say something, and they're waiting to, they're trying to just slowly push you to that point where it's too far, it's too much and there's something that you can't do, and all of a sudden, they're going to spring a bunch of horrible events on you, of tornadoes and pandemics and war, and they're going to escalate this to where they can just take your rights and take everything that you have.

Speaker 3:

Now I just noticed and I caught on to this. I didn't realize it when you said it the first time. But you didn't say pandemic, you said plandemic.

Speaker 4:

Yeah well, it's a pandemic. If it's something that happens, it's a plandemic. If they plan it. Something that happens, it's a pandemic if they plan it. I think most people would admit that COVID was not an accident. Most people realize that COVID was patented back in the 80s. You can literally look up the patent for COVID. When they tell you that it happened in China, in Wulong, in a lab, and that it's something that they extracted from this one rare bat that nobody ever sees and that that's how this virus got out, they're literally lying to you. And I think most people realize that now, even people that wore the masks, people that believed what they said, people that believed that they needed to take a shot to save them from this sickness, and most of those people ended up with a lot of side effects as a result of those MNRA shots. So that's a plandemic, so that's a pandemic. And I'm going to be, you know, I'll tell you the flu.

Speaker 4:

They give vaccinations for the flu every year. And every year that they give you a vaccination for the flu, they tell you that this vaccination may or may not work on this strain. We don't know what strain of flu is going to be out this year, but they have seven different vaccinations for the flu or so. All of those vaccinations are owned by the CDC. Why does the CDC own a vaccination and make money off of a vaccination? The CDC isn't supposed to have anything to do with that. So they lie to you and they tell you that, okay, the flu is something that mutates every year and it mutates into something else and, as a result, we don't know what strain of flu it is. But they only have seven vaccinations for a flu that supposedly mutates every year, which theoretically there should be millions of strains of this flu by now, because it's mutated so many times over the years through each person. What they're not telling you is that they know what the flu is and they have vaccinations for the flu, but they're not going to give you the vaccination for the flu.

Speaker 4:

They created the flu just like they created bird flu, just like they created COVID, just like they created any of these other diseases that are unleashed on us. Hiv is a really good example. They try to tell you that these diseases were happenstance, but in most cases they're not, and I think most people realize that. So what do you expect of the next disease? What's the next plague that they're going to unleash on us. This is their plan. They spent millions and millions and millions of mine and yours tax dollars to develop what they said was diseases, so that they could be ahead of somebody else. So they create a disease. Then they claim that they create a cure for the disease to protect you and I in case somebody else creates a disease. How ridiculous is that.

Speaker 3:

Basically, what I'm hearing is that there's internal biological warfare by the government and the citizens. Is that what you're saying?

Speaker 4:

Well, isn't that what COVID was?

Speaker 3:

Well, all I know is I spent a lot of time in my house on COVID.

Speaker 4:

Well, I mean. To me that's the definition of COVID.

Speaker 3:

So let me take you back to the World Health Organization, which is an organization that did not have a lot of power but lately, in the last few years, it's kind of been making some headway. You explained that it is a front. It's kind of become a front for China. But how does it tie into and I know you touched this a little bit more, I just want to go deeper into it how does it tie to this particular UN resolution where Brandon has sold us out?

Speaker 4:

Well, they have to have an activator that gives them permission to do martial law. Permission to do martial law, and it doesn't have to be something big and it doesn't have to be a world war, it doesn't have to be a Chernobyl, it doesn't have to be anything large, it can be the bird flu, it could be COVID. Basically, this is their plan and they've admitted to it. Really, they're pretty frank about what they intend to do damage on us. They want us to have, you know, a lot of issues health issues, weather issues, financial issues. And they have found that at times of war or times that we are distressed and as, instead of us coming together to find a cure, it's very easy for us to look at our politicians and say you need to save us, you need to do something, whatever it takes, make this horrible stuff go away. And it's at those times that they usurp our rights and take control of things that we ordinarily wouldn't give them power over us. You know there's really good examples of that. An example of that is they used nuclear war for that for a long time. Okay, when I was a kid, you'd hear the siren go off for nuclear war and the teacher would tell you to get under your desk? Why would you get under the desk and I asked the teacher this when I was a kid why would you get under the desk if a nuclear bomb goes off, if one of the nuclear power plants exploded? Hiding under your desk isn't going to save you. It's not a leg-coated desk. So why would they want to set off a siren and have an alarm and teach a child to be afraid of something and hide up under a desk? It's because they learned a long time ago what McDonald's learned. It doesn't matter if the burger is worth eating, but if you give the kid a prize, they're going to bug mom and dad to go to McDonald's. It's the same thing with training or indoctrination. If you teach the children to live in fear of nuclear war and nuclear weapons and you tell them that Russia is the enemy, then they are willing to pull together and do whatever it takes to ensure that this enemy doesn't come to them. So they give the government more power, they give the government more money and they give them more authority. And that's how these things work.

Speaker 4:

And when nuclear war was no longer a good enough instigator, they went to terrorism and they, you know, said oh, we have to do something about terrorism. We need to fight terrorism in Iran and Iraq. If we don't fight it there, it will be here. But what they don't tell you is terrorists never attack banks. Why don't the terrorists ever attack banks? It's because that's where they get their money from. So I know this is like really heading down the rabbit hole, but it's very simple facts. If you look at it, there's banks in Baghdad. None of those banks have ever gotten blown up. It's because the people that own those banks have the power. It's the people that own the banks that fashion your life and tell you what you're going to do. It's called the golden rule he who has the gold makes the rules.

Speaker 1:

You are listening to the Shadowfiles Collective where the hidden truth matters.

Speaker 2:

This show is brought to you by ViroBlock when the hidden truth matters, fda. Viroblock is so unique the FDA is creating a category of the product alone. Viroblock can kill all viruses proactively instead of reactively, and can stay in surfaces for a week, clothing for up to 30 days, carpets up to a year and hands until washed, killing bacteria and germs. Viroblock keeps working as time progresses and never stops killing viruses and bacteria.

Speaker 1:

Buy ViroBlock only at One Clean World. And now back to the Shadowfile Collective.

Speaker 3:

We are back from the break and we're still here with Mike talking about how the World Health I'm sorry, not the World Health the UN has set the stage where they can basically take over the United States and declare martial law. Mike, how was the stage for this set up? This is not something that can you know. I mean, I know the pan. They said the pan is mightier than this sword, but I I am.

Speaker 4:

I am thinking that this might have take some work to set up somebody had to set the stage to, to lead he's the biggest offender of this or to get precedents set that negated the usual Senate and Congress permissions, which basically eliminates the will of the people, if you believe that our government even represents us anymore but he found ways to avoid running it through the natural process to get something passed. And I think that, overall, the deep state has just been polite in allowing you to think that you have a vote and allowing you to think that you're entitled to feel a certain way and speak up about it and that what you say counts, um, when really they just intend to do what they want to do anyhow. So it's like you're looking at your kid and saying because I said so, because I'm an adult and you're not, and I'm going to tell you what to do, and I think that's how they view us.

Speaker 3:

Now wouldn't. So I have two questions for you. And first, wouldn't this be considered treason if somebody takes the United States down that road? And number two, well, we're a sovereign nation that has constitutional rights. How would our constitutional rights be affected by this resolution at the UN level?

Speaker 4:

Oh, it's absolutely treason, without a doubt. But you know they've been doing treasonous acts and haven't gotten in trouble for it yet. Obama gave $10 million to Iran when we weren't supposed to give them money. We weren't supposed to give them money. We weren't supposed to give them armament. They were considered an enemy of the United States. There's a lot of things that our government has done that is absolutely, totally, completely treasonous. Government has done that is absolutely, totally, completely treasonous, and the severity of the treason has been escalating over a period of time. And they're basically saying the Constitution means nothing and they're going around. The Constitution means nothing and they are going around the Constitution and they're definitely going around what the will of the people is.

Speaker 3:

Now, is there anything that the Senate can currently do to reverse this decision at the UN level, or has that boat pretty much sailed?

Speaker 4:

Well, I think probably the best thing that could happen is the states need to pass laws. See, originally our country was set up that the states have the power and the federal government just kind of guides and helps. Well, over the many years the states have become weaker and the federal government has become stronger and stronger and stronger. So, the way our Constitution is written and the way our government is set up, if the states start passing laws that prevent the federal government from doing these things, that would be the first step. The second step is that the Senate is more controlled by the voters than necessarily Congress. It's almost like in England. They have two different classes. They have the commons and then they have basically the royals. The commons represent the regular people and then the royals represent the rich people in their form of government.

Speaker 4:

Well, our form of government isn't much different. The Senate represents the people because they're elected by the people. They have a large amount of senators that are just common people and you can get elected as a senator. Now, a congressman is a lot harder. To get elected as a congressman, you have to have a larger campaign and more funding. And you have to have a larger campaign and more funding and you have to have party funding to become a congressman, because it's not done by districts, it's done by state. So overall, I would say that it's kind of the same setup. So if they want to get something past the Senate, congress has to do some shifty things to make it happen, and usually those things are treasonous by definition.

Speaker 4:

So what they've done? If they've signed everything over to the UN and the UN declares martial law, if the UN finds a reason to come into the United States and do martial law, then you no longer vote, you are no longer a citizen of the United States and you no longer have any rights. It's important that you understand. You will have no protection from the Constitution. Now.

Speaker 4:

The Constitution has been a total thorn in the side of the deep state forever and they've been trying to eliminate the Constitution through amendments and laws and they've been very successful in some instances. They've found ways for the judicial system to set law instead of the people setting law, you know, through judgments, and in doing that they found instead of the people setting law, you know, through judgments and in doing that they found a way to go around the Constitution. But with this act, where they have given the UN the right to come into our country and take over. They have found a way to eliminate the Constitution, to eliminate all of your rights to vote, to live, to have life, to love and to have happiness. They've found a way to take all of that, and this should really, really make every one of you extremely angry. This should be a very large problem for every citizen. So you know, if something isn't done, this is where it's headed. So everybody needs to get together and they need to agree on a plan of action and they need to execute it.

Speaker 3:

Now is there a time frame where the United States states, or citizens for that matter can take action on a decision that has kind of been forced down their throat?

Speaker 4:

Actually there is. There's a there's kind of a legal precedent. If they send you a legal notice telling you that you have 10 days to acknowledge or such and such will happen, or you will be held in contempt of court if you fail to do this, there's a general understanding that what is it? 60 days? I think 60 days is. You have 60 days to protest and if you fail to protest within that 60 days, they assume that you're okay with it.

Speaker 4:

Now, this is the concerning point is that we have less than 30 days left to do something about this and there's no law that our governors are going to get passed within 30 days. That's not going to happen quick enough. So the only way this is going to change is that everybody becomes outraged over what's happened and they speak out about it and they call their senators, and they call their congressmen, and they call their congressmen and they had to get one-third Republican and one-third Democratic vote to make this happen in the Congress. So, having done that, your senators have sold you out. They sold you to the UN and you should be calling them and asking them why your congressmen have sold you out. Your government has failed miserably and we are under a hostile takeover by a foreign invader are under a hostile takeover by a foreign invader, and if they were to stand up tomorrow and sign us over to Iran, everybody would say, oh, that's treason. So why isn't signing us over to the UN treason? Why is giving UN permission to have control over us not treason?

Speaker 3:

Now, you've laid a lot of information out fascinating, and what blows my mind is you don't hear this on the media. Is there a particular reason why?

Speaker 4:

Well, sure they own the media. The deep state owns the media. The deep state owns the media. And you're not going to hear this on the media Now. This meeting went down in New York City because that's where the UN is based out of. Don't you think that every head of state, every dictator, every military leader in the world shows up in New York City at the UN firm meeting? Brandon shows up and everybody in the country is looking at P Diddy.

Speaker 3:

That's funny that you say that, because I just watched his documentary today.

Speaker 4:

Well, that's what happened, that's what the news covered. They covered P Diddy. Now, every world leader showing up in New York City is bigger news to me, but you didn't see CNN there and you didn't see Fox there. You didn't see MSNBC there. It's not going to happen, because they're all owned by the same five or six companies. The same company that owns Fox owns Disney. I'm sorry, the same company that owns Fox owns MSNBC, and I think that's Disney that owns it.

Speaker 3:

I believe so. So, with all this information, mike, is there anywhere anybody? You know any of the listeners?

Speaker 4:

can go and see this information for themselves. Oh yeah, absolutely Don't believe anything that I say. Research it. You can go to the UN site and it's all there. Look up action item 54. It'll probably be under UN pact for the future or some other headings similar to that. Sometimes they change the headings that you can find this stuff under to make it a little bit more difficult to find, but this meeting was just held less than a little bit more than 30 days ago, so it'll be new business and it's right there on their site and you can read it all. They put it all out there for you. They're not hiding this from you, but they're not broadcasting it either. If it was something great, they'd be broadcasting it. They'd be saying look what we did for you. But if they don't broadcast it, then you should be worried.

Speaker 3:

I just did a quick search of the topic and I'm going to add another site where people can hear about this particular topic that Mike is so passionately talking about. And if you go to rumblecom and you look UN Takeover with Chaos and Crisis from Alex Newman, it is the very same topic that Mike is speaking about and he is bringing it from another source. Mike, you sent me this yourself as well. Can you give us a little synopsis of what this is covering? I know it's probably regurgitating some of the information that you spoke about, but just kind of to give the listeners a preview of what they will see if they research this particular Rumblecom cast.

Speaker 4:

Well, I wasn't at the UN meeting. Well, I wasn't at the UN meeting, but the gentleman being interviewed on this podcast was at the UN meeting and his thoughts are pretty clear on what's going on, and I agree with him. I think he's pretty accurate in his assessment of what's going on and he's right on point, so I would definitely suggest listening to him, I would definitely suggest getting the information out to your neighbors and your friends, and I would definitely suggest making some phone calls to your government about this.

Speaker 1:

We need to let them know that we know about it and that we're not in favor of it. You are listening to the Shadow Files Collective, where the hidden truth matters.

Speaker 2:

This show is brought to you by ViroBlock, the antiviral, antibacterial, antiprotozoal, antimold and antialgae Based on lauric acid and other natural components. Viroblock is a non-toxic and non-volatile organic compound approved by the FDA. Viroblock is so unique the FDA is creating a category of the product alone. Viroblock can kill all viruses proactively instead of reactively, and can stay in surfaces for a week, clothing for up to 30 days, carpets up to a year and hands until washed, killing bacteria and germs. Viroblock keeps working as time progresses and never stops killing viruses and bacteria. Buy ViroBlock only at One Clean World.

Speaker 1:

And now back to the Shadowfile Collective.

Speaker 3:

All right and we are back from the break. We've been speaking with Mike about how Action Item 54 has allowed the UN to be able to declare martial law in the United States and basically how it can erode your rights. Erode your right. Please join us for our next show, where we're going to be discussing at length a topic that Mike knows a lot about, and it is called the Book of Life. Incredibly interesting. I know Mike personally and I've seen him go through this. I still don't understand the depth of it, but uh, it's. It might take us several, several podcasts so to get through the amount of information that he will be covering on those. Um, mike, any parting words before we close out the show today?

Speaker 4:

I just want to thank everybody for listening us out the show today. Just want to thank everybody for listening um, and I want you to know that we, we all love and care for you and we want what's best for you. And, um, do what you want with the information, but please, please, look up everything that we talked about all right, that sounds great.

Speaker 3:

People, don't forget, join us next week on the Shadowfiles Collective.

Speaker 1:

The content of the Shadowfile Collective podcast is intended for entertainment and informational purposes only. The theories and discussions presented in this podcast are based on speculative research, personal opinions and publicly available information. We do not claim to provide verified facts, nor do we encourage listeners to accept these theories as truth. Listeners are encouraged to conduct their own research and draw their own conclusions. The views expressed by hosts and guests are their own and do not reflect the views or opinions of the podcast creators. No-transcript no-transcript where the hidden truth matters, and now no-transcript into the Shadowfiles Collective, where the hidden truth matters. The content of the Shadowfile Collective podcast is intended for entertainment and informational purposes only. The theories and discussions presented in this podcast are based on speculative research, personal opinions and publicly available information. We do not claim to provide verified facts, nor do we encourage listeners to accept these theories as truth. Listeners are encouraged to conduct their own research and draw their own conclusions. Or affiliated entities.

Speaker 1:

The content of the Shadowfile Collective podcast is intended for entertainment and informational purposes only. The theories and discussions presented in this podcast are based on speculative research, personal opinions and publicly available information. We do not claim to provide verified facts, nor do we encourage listeners to accept these theories as truth. Listeners are encouraged to conduct their own research and draw their own conclusions. The views expressed by hosts and guests are their own and do not reflect the views or opinions of the podcast creators, sponsors or affiliated entities.